Amalgam and Cosmetic Restorations

Just about every patient will need an amalgam filling in addition to a cosmetic restoration at some point. There is no shame is requiring such cosmetic restorations. Michael D. Levy invites you to schedule an appointment with our office so your cavity can be filled with amalgam and additional cosmetic dental restorations can be performed as necessary. Amalgam fillings replace the structure of the tooth lost when bacteria is released. The mercury within amalgam fillings expands and subsequently contracts with alterations in temperature, leading to the teeth cracking.

In some situations, the placement of an amalgam restoration mandates the removal of the extra healthy tooth structure, possibly beyond the cavity’s boundaries. This is done to bolster the metal filling’s strength. The filling’s base might have to be widened to ensure adequate retention.

If you need an amalgam filling or if you have an amalgam filling that has broken, our dentist is here to help. Furthermore, we are proud to provide a plethora of cosmetic restorations including but not limited to dental implants, bridges, veneers, teeth whitening, bonding, crowns and dentures.