Denture/Partial Repairs
Dentures will eventually necessitate repair. The material dentures are made from has the potential to erode and weaken as time progresses. Dental fractures are also possible. If you even slightly suspect your dentures require repair, reach out to Michael D. Levy’s office at (215) 855-0707 to schedule an appointment for denture repair. Keep in mind, the longer your denture is worn, the greater the chances are that it will require repaired at the dentist’s office. In some cases, a poor fit is the cause of the denture repair. Even dropping dentures can cause a fracture that necessitates repair. Dentures that have been worn for years and those that are comparably thin are that much more likely to break. If the need for repair is identified soon enough, the dentist will add back material or perform another repair to optimize the fit and function. This process is referred to as relining. However, if additional work is necessary that cannot be completed in the office, the denture will be transmitted to a dental laboratory.
Keep in mind, even if you do not drop your dentures, they will eventually require repair as a result of wear and tear. Fail to have your dentures repaired at our office and they will eventually fit poorly to the point that they prove uncomfortable to wear. If necessary, your dentures will be strengthened with the addition of a piece of metal through the pieces prior to attachment with the use of denture glue. When in doubt, have your dentures repaired sooner rather than later as they will eventually break down, possibly without even the slightest forewarning.