Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene dental services are centered on preventing, treating and managing oral diseases.  Listen closely as Michael D. Levy details what you can do on your own at home to prevent oral health problems.  However, oral hygiene requires more than brushing and flossing two times per day.  You need a dentist to perform dental hygiene assessments along with procedures.  This trained professional will clean your teeth in a professional manner, improving your dental hygiene, preventing the formation of plaque and helping you enjoy as healthy a mouth as possible.  The dentist’s advice pertaining to preventative strategies and the optimal diet for oral health will prove particularly important.  After all, most adults suffer from gum disease as they age so oral hygiene is of the utmost importance.  Keep in mind, gum disease is the primary cause of tooth loss.   

Aside from nutrition counseling, additional oral hygiene services available through Michael D. Levy’s office include bad breath treatments, deposit removal, periodontal disease therapy, fluoride and sealants.  Visit with our dentist and you will be completely comfortable throughout your appointment as you are provided with oral hygiene advice and treatments that set the stage for a clean and healthy mouth across posterity.  Be sure to return to our office every six months for your professional dental cleaning in which we use specialized dental instruments to eliminate tartar from your teeth and gums that cannot be eliminated with a toothbrush and floss.